Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Olivia Pope Experiment: 20 Things That Run Through Your Mind When You're Getting Claws

1. Just stalked #claws on Insta last night until 2:30 am. I know what I want.

2. But seriously, this isn't too "trendy" right?

3. [Shows technician picture] Ok it's happening...

4. OH GOD I'm scared. Maybe I should just get my normal gel mani.

5. They're just nails. #Chill

6. Olivia has these nails. She's totally handling it.

7. And square nails just are so basic.

8. [Tips being applied] I look like a witch hooker.

9. [Technician files them down and buffs them] Actually, they're pretty cute.

10. I have korean blogger hands.

11. Nope, they're witch hooker hands.

12. I miss my square nails.

13. [Gel color is being applied] Oh actually these are cute.

14. They're like a less edgy version of Kylie Jenner's nails.

15. Olivia Pope. Olivia Pope. OLIVIA POPE.

-Post Mani-

16. Goodbye basic nails!

17. Hello an eternity of struggling to text.

18. Is #whitewhine still a thing?

19. But I could get used to this...

20. The rock really compliments my Olivia Pope witch hooker mani. YES.


This gif is relevant, I swear. Doesn't Homer look like he's doing the nail drying dance? Also, RIP Sam Simon.

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